

Oldest Business Name we have for this property is: 
This is the timeline for the propery located at Avda. Antonio Machada which as far as this site goes was first recorded in 2005 when Rob and Karen Joined and became a featured bar on Benal-life.com.Timeless logo Thereafter came the changes that you can see on this page.
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Current Business Name is:  

Property Address

Avda. Antonio Machado 60, Benalmádena

These businesses are no longer operating and are saved here as a record of times past.  This property obviously has a longer history than I have logged here but back in the early days of this site storage (Memory) was very expensive and bars that closed down were erased to make way for the new.  The dates are from my records and therefor approximate.

Any picture that has a “clickable” link still has a page of its own with comments from customers made when it was operational.


The original Magpie themed Bar Timeless was run by Rob and Karen.

2005 – 2007

In 2007 Rob & Karen left the Bar Timeless and was redesigned, losing its black and white scheme.

The Bar Timeless then changed owners and can be seen by clicking here

In May 2013 The Timeless name was lost and the bar reopened as Paddy McGintys

Then in December 2013 Paddy McGinty’s gave way to the Bar Cafeteria J.J.

November 2014 saw the demise of Cafe JJ and the opening of Box Bar and Sushi

In June 2015 The Box Bar gave way to Jackass

By September 2015 Jackass had reopened as Deja Vu

July 2016 saw the opening of Mark One

In July 2017 Dirty Harry showed up as Harry, El Sucio

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