En route
En route to the start
the Saints transport is far simpler than the elaborate Santa Semana floats


The Romeria is a religious pilgramage that the men make each year and this parade is supposed to be the return to the home town – The larger romerio’s  consist of a procession of horse and tractor towed  decorated caravans.  I think that Arroyo de la Miel has only “pretended” to have been away!
The girls hitch a ride
The party atmosphere is enhanced with a little drink
Another little drink
A pause outside the church where sherry is served in a theatrical manner
After a drink or two Granddad like a cigarette
En route to the start of the parade
The Romeria is a religious pilgramage that the men make each year and this parade is supposed to be the return to the home town – The larger romerio’s  consist of a procession of horse and tractor towed  decorated caravans.  I think that Arroyo de la Miel has only “pretended” to have been away!
The girls hitch a ride
The party atmosphere is enhanced with a little drink
or two!
keep the dressing up simple
and the Saints transport is far simpler than the elaborate Santa Semana floats
A pause outside the church where sherry is served in a theatrical manner
After a drink or two Granddad like a cigarette