Bars & Restaurants
in Benalmadena & Arroyo de la Miel
Address/Dirección: Calle Torrevieja (Sunset Beach – Beach)
Benalmadena Costa
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Type of Restaurante / Tipo de Restaurante:
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You can give fair and honest review of your experience.It is your opportunity to explain in words why you have chosen to review this business. Please avoid any bad language and any blatant abuse of any individual, and equally please do not use this space to advertise Your review is valued and will be posted like this sample. If we think that the review is helpful and informative to others it will be on our facebook page.
A longer review is useful something like “good place” really doesn’t tell the reader anything
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This Bar was visited on | October 15, 2000 | by |
who posted review 1 on | October 16, 2000 | You can give fair and honest review of your experience.It is your opportunity to explain in words why you have chosen to review this business. Please avoid any bad language and any blatant abuse of any individual, and equally please do not use this space to advertise Your review is valued and will be posted like this sample. If we think that the review is helpful and informative to others it will be on our facebook page. A longer review is useful something like “good place” really doesn’t tell the reader anything |