Oldest Business Name we have for this property is:
its successors are listed with pictures below
Property Address
Calle de Aguacate, (opposite Apts. Aguila), Benalmadena
These businesses are no longer operating and are saved here as a record of times past. This property obviously has a longer history than I have logged here but back in the early days of this site storage (Memory) was very expensive and bars that closed down were erased to make way for the new. The dates are from my records and therefor approximate.
Summer 2021 MJ’s Bar became KG’s (Kayes and Grays) Bar
January 2018 Archie’s became MJ’s Bar
January 2017 Pearls became Archie’s
The Mighty Quinn became Pearls
was once The Mighty Quinn
Any picture that has a “clickable” link still has a page of its own with comments from customers made when it was operational.