La Vida es Bella until May 2024


C Blas Infante n 8 Arroyo de la Miel,  Benalmádena Tel: +34 951 25 39 34
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Cafe Bar
Cafe Bar


C Blas Infante n 8, Arroyo de la Miel, Benalmádena, Tel: +34 951 25 39 34

May 2024  La Vida es Bella  became  Antonio Marin

May 2019 became La Vida es Bella

January 2019 became Buena Boca

October 2013 became Matahambre

Became Taberna la Abadia

became  An Italian Restaurant

China Wall?  Chinese Restaurant

I have forgotten the names of the restaurants that have occupied these premises over time and this is the best I can remember


The Owner says:

Vamos a ayudar a muchas personas y seguro mejoraremos nuestra vida a través de la bondad y el cariño sincero . Este local tendrá alma y estará al servicio del pueblo . Inauguramos con una gran fiesta el próximo 3 de mayo de 2.019 y os esperamos a todos!!. Habrá 50% en todos los precios , músicos fantásticos , gente maravillosa y corazón a raudales !. Toda la recaudación (íntegra ) será para la Asociación malagueña AVOI (Asociación voluntarios oncología infantil). Necesitan recursos para reformas de la planta para aliviar los tratamientos de esos guerreros infantiles que luchan por su vida como jabatos !!. Nos necesitan y vamos a dar el 100%. Os ruego ayuda y todos ganaremos con esto mucha felicidad !

Mil Gracias por vuestro apoyo y mil gracias a todos los que me habéis ayudado , apoyado , seguido e inspirado en este sueño bohemio y humilde para los demás

En este proyecto han colaborado + de 50 empresas maravillosas malagueñas y con gerentes muy solidarios


We are going to help many people and we will surely improve our life through kindness and sincere affection. This place will have a soul and will be at the service of the people. We open with a great party on May 3, 2.019 and we hope everyone! There will be 50% on all prices, fantastic musicians, wonderful people and heart in abundance! All the collection (whole) will be for the Association of Malaga AVOI (Association volunteers oncology for children). They need resources for reforms of the plant to alleviate the treatments of those children warriors who fight for their lives as jabatos !!. They need us and we will give 100%. I beg you help and we will all be happy with this!

A thousand thanks for your support and a thousand thanks to all those who have helped me, supported, followed and inspired by this bohemian and humble dream for others

In this project have collaborated + 50 wonderful companies from Málaga and with very supportive managers

Customer says:

” The next customer review will be here ”  –  “Tu opinión se verá aquí”